24 Januari 2013


Sebelum apa-apa itu ada, sebelum ada itu ada, ada Allah SWT. Mohon doa dan dukungannya ya semuanya. Kami, semua siswa siswi kelas 3 SMP di seluruh Indonesia akan melaksanakan ujian akhir nasionalnya. Kedengarannya mungkin "masih lama" tapi rasanya, hari cepet banget berganti.

Saya nggak mau terlalu berandai-andai . Berharap tapi harus realistis. Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, doa di taruh di awal. Pasti bisa harus bisa memang bisa.! Amin ya robbal alamin 99x

23 Januari 2013

21 Januari 2013

Today's lesson.

Sebagian orang menganggap bahwa kita berusaha dahulu lalu doa, mereka tidak menyadari, seharusnya doa di taruh di awal langkah, biar Tuhan menuntunnya. Allah sekarang, Allah besok, Allah selamanya. 

A-day-journey being 15th.

Guess what? I'm 15th now, actually on 3rd January. But I'm going to tell you about a-day-journey being a whole 15th! What a great feeling! Although I don't get any gifts, but I'm really thankful for this life and my family, especially. I'm so lucky, thanks to Allah SWT :).

Let me bring you to my childhood memories, what a great time. Cute dresses, pink shoes, teddy bears everywhere. But my parents taught me a lesson. "You don't always get what you want, but you'll always get what you need", I guess...yes, now I have what I need. My family, my best friends, beautiful life, yeah heaven on earth definitely.

I want to say thankyou, to Mom and Dad for that little surprise, thanks for the gifts too. Thanks to all of you, on Twitter or Facebook. Thankyou so much, I really appreciate it.

And thankyou to each and everyone of you! :) I love you heaps!

Red Velvet Cupcakes Recipe, a secret recipe.

Hey people, well this is my first time for making a post about a recipe. Technically a cupcakes recipe, I've made this before but not the red velvet one. Just the original, and you know what? I guess, it turned into a disaster. But I decided to tell you guys about the steps and ingredients. Well, I hope you enjoyed. :)

The final look!

And here's the link :

Thanks to,

15 Januari 2013

This. Love letter.

I personally think that BJ Habibie is the most romantic guy ever, beside Romeo and the other guys, the handsome guys. Hehe.
I fall in love with every and each words of his last love letter to his wife, Bu Ainun.
I watched the movie and I do love it. It's amazing that we, I mean Indonesia has it own Romeo-Juliet.

Love is full of sacrifice. Happiness and sadness. But Pak BJ Habibie make me realise, yes forever does exist.

11 Januari 2013

A Hello

Hey fellas! long time no see! :> busier than ever, you know. I'm on 9th grade right now, I will have an examination on May, or April. I'm not sure, and anyway... I know it's too late, like really late. But HAPPY NEW YEAR! New chances, new hopes, new experiences!
This year, 2013 is a blank note with a blank page; write a good one.
And.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ME! What an incredible journeys for last 15th years!
Also, I'll post something soon.